Time To Move On, Time To Get Going...

Time To Move On, Time To Get Going...

Well...I have been finished with school for 3 months now...I am pretty certain that it is time for me to move on, time to get going. Time to get moving on to bigger and better things in my life. After all, isn't that what I went to school for? So that I could better my career? Yes it is! I have been lazy for this past 3 months. I suppose my body and mind just needed some down time to relax and recuperate. I needed time to reflect on all that I have accomplished over the past 2 years and figure out where it is I am going from here. And just exactly where to pick up and begin anew.

So now it is game plan time. I need to make that list of things I want to accomplish and prioritize it all. Only then will I be able to figure out just where to start. There are a multitude of things that I really want to do. But which is the most reasonable to begin with that I can get my new career off the ground and flying in a direction that I would like to be going...that is the question.

There is my scrapbook designing & my photography. Both are a great passion to me. How do I go about making it all work in my favor? How do I go about moving things in the direction of success? I know that I must begin doing something every single day to work toward the new goal. Its just a matter of "what" do I do?

Well, I am off to begin creating that list...Have a wonderful day!

Carol Sue


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