My first attempt at a digital layout...

So, I have been seeing a lot of digital scrapbooking going on...
and of course I thought perhaps I should try it out.
I put out the question of what programs people use and so forth. And everyone was so nice and told me what they use. Thank you to the wonderful ladies at Scrapbook Challenges. 

So I figured that I would go ahead and attempt one in Photoshop...I am not real sure how I like it. 
But, it is my first attempt...and naturally I will only get better at it I'm sure. So, here is how it turned out.
 I created this layout using Sketch 274 from Scrapbook Challenges. 

It definitely needs something. I don't quite know what yet, but something. Perhaps some more photos. I do know that the round photo is going to have to be moved over because I cannot have a photo in the center of a layout where it will have to be cut to go into the album. That is just not going to work. 
This sort of makes me feel like I've stepped back in time. The beginning of scrapbook time! :) Way back when I created my very first layout. Simple, yet it got the job done. It got the photos out of the box and onto a page for the world to see. And that is what I have created here. Got that photo out of the folder and onto a layout that I can now share with the world. However, I have seen so many cooler layouts created by people that this is just a sketch in my mind. Well, I think I am off to see what more I can create digitally for now. Only because I have been being very lazy today and don't really feel like doing much of anything. This is at least accomplishing something while doing nothing. :) Have a wonderful!
Carol Sue


  1. You are certainly braver than I, Carol Sue! I have long admired (from afar) digi scrapping, but am still too techno-fobic to even consider trying it. I love the layout you have created here! Just joined as a follower. Glad you joined our group on Let's Scrap!! Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you. And Thank your for becoming a follower too! :)

  3. You did a fantastic job on the digi layout Carol Sue. I don't think digi scrapping is for me. I love the feel of the paper and embellishments to much.
    I am so glad you have joined us at Let's Scrap and hope to get know you and your family through your pages. I am your newest follower.

  4. thanks for visiting my blog. great job on the digi layout!


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