Princesses & Witches

Alrighty, here are a couple of photos of the witches and princesses that I created. I really had so much fun creating them! I totally enjoy creating new paper dolls. I have a few others that are still in progress. One of these days I will get them completed so they can be shared also. 

These are the cute little princesses. The wispy ribbon on her dress added a nice touch. And the crown, was a bit of a challenge, but turned out quite nicely.

 Next are the adorable witches. I am so in love with them. They turned out so awesome! I love how her hat & shoes turned out so cutely. And the added touch of her flying on her broom just made her even more lovable.

 Then last week I had a request from someone for "green" witches. I guess she is making a "Wicked" scrapbook layout. So, I sat down to creating some green witches just for her last weekend. They turned out very well too. I almost want to say I like them better in green...but...I really just cannot decide.

So, that is all I have for the moment. I hope you have enjoyed these new creations. I am off to get you some more photos of some of my other new creations. :) Carol Sue


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